Sensational rise of firebrand leader Yogi Adityanath as the CM of Uttar Pradesh is making many wonder whether Yogi will do a coup of sorts against all powerful PM Modi. Ever since Yogi became CM of UP, his supporters started saying Yogi will be the PM after 2019 elections. This is surprising since many are of the opinion that there is no stopping PM Modi and even opposition leaders are confessing it secretly. 

Political analysts after Yogi became CM started analysing whether he will become PM replacing Modi in the 2019 elections. Already media is charmed with the speed at which he is taking decisions and many are surprised that he has taken around 50 decisions in 150 hours without even conducting single cabinet meet. 

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Yogi's speed defies all logics and even beats Modi in quick decision making. Use of word coup may be harsh but Modi during his meteoric rise became the national president of BJP before 2014 elections and then despite opposition, he quelled those voice sidelined many seniors and even his guru LK.Advani. 

Many wonder whether Yogi will replicate any such scenes giving shock to Modi. In the politics of uncertainity anything is possible and everyone is keeping their fingers crossed. 

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